Robert Nunez on his Time with Arnold Jacobs

The Tuba People TV channel on YouTube just posted a great interview with Robert Nunez on the time he spent with Arnold Jacobs. It's a great interview ranging on everything from embouchure visualization to Jacobs approach to using literature from outside of material written for Tuba. Enjoy this take on the legend's approach to pedagogy. 


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Tuba People TV

Robert Nunez

Arnold Jacobs

Film Score Friday: Stripes

Varese Sarabande
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Stripes. Elmer Bernstein wrote the score for the 1981 comedy about enlisting in the army. For a score that was not released when the movie premiered, it's quite good. We wouldn't attempt to make any argument for this being Bernstein's best work, but it's still a good listen. There's cross-pollination with other scores from Bernstein so it will feel familiar with his other works. 

Bernstein keeps close to the army theme and has a march feel for much of the score. The motive he uses at the beginning crops up throughout the film in many different ways. The main theme is catchy and we find ourselves humming it unexpectedly quite often. 

Let us know in the comments if the theme from Stripes was an ear worm for you too. 

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Stripes on Amazon

Stripes on iTunes

2016 National Trumpet Competition Results

The 2016 National Trumpet Competition was held this past week and the results are in. Be sure to check out the Michael Cano YouTube channel where they're already some great footage from the event. 

Results are posted below:


Bugles Media Junior Solo Division
First Place- Aaron Ouellette
Second Place- Stefan Filip
Third Place- Maxwell DeForest

The Schilke Music Products High School Division
First Place- Christopher Stubblefield
Second Place- Daniel Choi
Third Place- Micah Reinharz

The Vincent Bach Undergraduate Solo Division
First Place- Elmer Churampi
Second Place- Steven Franklin
Third Place- Judy Gaunt

The Blackburn Trumpets Graduate Solo Division
First Place- Justin Weisenborn
Second Place- Tamara Vaughn
Third Place- Eric Millard

The Yamaha Jazz Solo Division
First Place- Tyler Lindsay
Second Place- Nate Nall
Third Place- Shawn Williams

The Getzen Trumpet Small Ensemble Division
First Place- Curtis Institute of Music
Second Place- University of Kentucky
Third Place- Eastman School of Music

The Maller Trumpet Large Ensemble Division
First Place- Oklahoma State University
Second Place- University of Texas at Austin
Third Place- Central Michigan University

NTC has a Kickstarter going to produce on documentary on the event for their 25th anniversary. 

Next year's event will take place March 23-25 in Denver, CO. Will you be attending?

Film Score Friday: Zootopia

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Zootopia. Michael Giacchino wrote the score for this Disney animated film. Given the buddy cop theme of the film, Giacchino does some great callbacks to the genre like 1970s cop dramas. 

Although the brass section has limited opportunities early on, the latter half of the score makes up for it. The first half is different in many respects from the composer's previous works. He returns to his usual approach when the second act comes around. This welcomed especially with the soaring Horn parts. The more action oriented parts will remind you of his work for Star Trek. 

Have you seen Zootopia? What did you think of the score? Leave a comment and let us know. 

Scoring Sessions has some great pictures from the recording session you should check out. 

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Zootopia on Amazon

Zootopia on iTunes

So-Low from Denise Tryon

We're always glad to see Horn recordings that touch on some underrepresented literature. Denise Tryon's new album does. We recently had a chance to check it out and recommend you do as well. As you might have guessed from the name, Tryon showcases the low register. This would be a worthy addition to your collection for solo literature recordings. Plus, it has an unaccompanied polka. How can you say no to that?

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So-Low on Amazon

So-Low on iTunes


Film Score Friday: The Cowboys

The Cowboys
Starring John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne, Bruce Dern, Colleen Dewhurst, Slim Pickens
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen the score from The Cowboys. John Williams wrote the score for this 1972 western. This was one of John Wayne's last films. So as his career faded, Williams was just rising. Considering the sheer number of scores Williams has written, it's interesting this is nearly the only western. 

Although it's not well know relative to other works, this is still some of Williams' best work. From the beginning, with the horn pickups into sixteenth notes, the music paints a great landscape. There's some of the best elements of a classic western score without feeling cliched. 

Where does The Cowboys rank for your favorite western score? Let us know in the comments. 

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The Cowboys on Amazon

The Cowboys on iTunes

The Cowboys on Sheet Music Plus

National Trumpet Competition 2016 Preview

The 2016 National Trumpet Competition is coming March 10-12. It will be on the campus of Columbus State University in Columbus, GA.  The Schwob School of music will serve as the host for the 25th anniversary of this competition. The event includes competitions for soloists (jazz and classical) in several age groups as well as Trumpet ensembles. 

Artists and Clinicians

Philip Smith

Rex Richardson

Brandon Craswell

Tony Plog

Vince DiMartino

Michael Hackett

Boston Brass

Chris Botti

Brass Band of Central Florida

If you're curious who made will be competing, the full list is available here

Here's a sample of a concert from last year.

Will you be attending NTC this year?

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National Trumpet Competition

Film Score Friday: The Incredibles

The Incredibles (Widescreen Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
Starring Craig Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee, Sarah Vowell
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This week on Film Score Friday we listen to the score from The Incredibles. This Michael Giacchino score was his first collaboration with Pixar. Before we dig into this score, we have to share something sad. The great Michael Kamen was originally set to score this film.  He passed away around the time of production. Although we would have loved one more Kamen score, Giacchino made a masterpiece with this one. 

The film takes cues from 1960s films like James Bond. The score takes this same approach of feel with bright brass and jazz elements. In the same way Goldfinger alternates between straight and swing at times, The Incredibles moves effortlessly between both motifs. The score emulates all the best parts of a James Bond score while still creating something new. 

Brad wanted that analog sound...that sixties kind of a sound. Brass definitely does sound better on tape than it does on digital.
— The film recording engineer on the sound, Brad Bird, the director wanted

The score is think in a good way with 8 Horns and 2 Tubas plus the usual players. Rick Baptist plays lead Trumpet on this score and wails. He talked in later interviews about how much fun this score was and it comes through in his playing. 

Is The Incredibles your favorite Pixar score? Let us know in the comments. 

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The Incredibles on Amazon

The Incredibles on iTunes

Rafael Mendez Brass Institute 2016 Preview

#Repost @komoreb1 #denver #sunset #colorado #beautiful

A photo posted by University of Denver (@uofdenver) on

It's never too early to start thinking about how you'll spend your summer. It's cold and icy right now, but come summer there will be something worth checking out in Denver, Colorado. The Rafael Mendez Brass Institute will will take place again at the Lamont School of Music. The event, held at the University of Denver, will take place July 10-16. 

Faculty will include:


David Hickman

Allan Dean

Alan Hood

John Marchiando

Ronald Romm


Thomas Bacon

Allene Hackleman

Martin Hackleman

Susan McCullough


Scott Hartman

Carl Lenthe

Joseph Martin

Larry Zalkind

Scott Bean

John Lofton


Kathleen Brantigan

Warren Deck

Timothy Northcut

Daniel Perantoni

The Denver Brass will be part of the events including concerts. The USAF Stellar Brass and Summit Brass will also be performing during the week. The days will include ensemble coaching, lessons, and masterclasses. 

For those interested, the festival is accepting applications through June. 

Will you be attending this event? Let us know in the comments. 

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Summit Brass on Amazon

Summit Brass on iTunes

Film Score Friday: Men in Black

Men In Black
Starring Tim Blaney, Tommy Jones, Mark Setrakian, Will Smith, Brad Abrell
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Men in Black. Danny Elfman wrote the score for this 1997 scifi film. Compared to Elfman's body of work, this score is restrained at times. Don't worry though, that doesn't last long. There's still plenty of Elfman's sweeping use of brass throughout the score. The film is often overshadowed by the pop music Will Smith created, but the score is indeed worth a listen. 

Where does Men in Black rank in your mind for Elfman's works? Let us know in the comments. 

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Men in Black on Amazon

Men in Black on iTunes

Film Score Friday: To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird 50th Anniversary Edition
Starring Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Frank Overton
Buy on Amazon

This week on Film Score Friday we listen to the score from To Kill a Mockingbird. This 1962 Elmer Bernstein score was tasked with the difficult task of providing accompaniment for a heavy story. Bernstein succeeds and hits the overall right tones for this treasure. 

As with a number of Bernstein films, you will hear the influence of Copland throughout. It does border on the lines of what would be appropriate for a western. When you consider the period this comes from it makes much more sense. Bernstein chose to be subtle with this score in sharp contrast to some of his other works. There is not a tremendous amount of brass in this film, but where it is present it's fantastic. 


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To Kill on Mockingbird on Amazon

To Kill a Mockingbird on iTunes

Watch the new Trailer for Miles Ahead

The new trailer for the new Miles Davis film, Miles Ahead, is available to watch. We're optimistic about the level of care the trailer suggests was taken to get it "right." Don Cheadle stars as Davis and nails the voice and mannerisms. At least, he did enough of that to fill a few minutes of a trailer. 

Will you go see this take on Miles Davis' turbulent life? Let us know in the comments. 

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Miles Davis on Amazon

Miles Davis on iTunes

Film Score Friday: Crimson Tide

This week on Film Score Friday, we list to the score from Crimson Tide. Hans Zimmer wrote the score for this 1995 release. Those familiar with Zimmer's work will find some familiar sounds here. 

Zimmer creates some great moments that really add to the intense subject matter of the film. He uses the entire horn section in unision at times to great effect. One of the highlights is the use of trumpet solo. Malcom McNab nails this as always in the recording. This comes in the distance, almost offstage, at the beginning of the score and becomes more pronounced throughout. The one drawback of this score is how much electronic music is used. The orchestral sound is still great, but we could have done without the electronica. 

Where does Crimson Tide rank for Hans Zimmer scores? Let us know in the comments. 

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Crimson Tide on Amazon

Crimson Tide on iTunes