Film Score Friday: Zootopia

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Zootopia. Michael Giacchino wrote the score for this Disney animated film. Given the buddy cop theme of the film, Giacchino does some great callbacks to the genre like 1970s cop dramas. 

Although the brass section has limited opportunities early on, the latter half of the score makes up for it. The first half is different in many respects from the composer's previous works. He returns to his usual approach when the second act comes around. This welcomed especially with the soaring Horn parts. The more action oriented parts will remind you of his work for Star Trek. 

Have you seen Zootopia? What did you think of the score? Leave a comment and let us know. 

Scoring Sessions has some great pictures from the recording session you should check out. 

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Zootopia on Amazon

Zootopia on iTunes