2016 National Trumpet Competition Results

The 2016 National Trumpet Competition was held this past week and the results are in. Be sure to check out the Michael Cano YouTube channel where they're already some great footage from the event. 

Results are posted below:


Bugles Media Junior Solo Division
First Place- Aaron Ouellette
Second Place- Stefan Filip
Third Place- Maxwell DeForest

The Schilke Music Products High School Division
First Place- Christopher Stubblefield
Second Place- Daniel Choi
Third Place- Micah Reinharz

The Vincent Bach Undergraduate Solo Division
First Place- Elmer Churampi
Second Place- Steven Franklin
Third Place- Judy Gaunt

The Blackburn Trumpets Graduate Solo Division
First Place- Justin Weisenborn
Second Place- Tamara Vaughn
Third Place- Eric Millard

The Yamaha Jazz Solo Division
First Place- Tyler Lindsay
Second Place- Nate Nall
Third Place- Shawn Williams

The Getzen Trumpet Small Ensemble Division
First Place- Curtis Institute of Music
Second Place- University of Kentucky
Third Place- Eastman School of Music

The Maller Trumpet Large Ensemble Division
First Place- Oklahoma State University
Second Place- University of Texas at Austin
Third Place- Central Michigan University

NTC has a Kickstarter going to produce on documentary on the event for their 25th anniversary. 

Next year's event will take place March 23-25 in Denver, CO. Will you be attending?