John Williams Celebration with the Los Angeles Philharmonic

PBS posted a concert from last season of the Los Angeles Philharmonic that's worth your time. It features music and interviews from John Williams. It's a great concert with some of your favorites, but some good tidbits and Williams' upbringing and career. The concert is also available on Amazon and iTunes. Enjoy!


Film cannot live without music
— John Williams

What's your favorite piece on this program? Let us know in the comments

Mentioned in this post

A John Williams Celebration on Amazon

A John Williams Celebration on iTunes


Previewing the Los Angeles Philharmonic 2015-2016 Season

The Los Angeles Philharmonic 2015-2016 season starts soon. Here's a sample of some things we're looking forward to hearing

Symphony #9-Beethoven

Symphony #3-Beethoven

Symphony #5-Beethoven

Symphony #7-Beethoven

The Rite of Spring-Stravinsky

An Alpine Symphony-Strausss

Symphony #5-Shostakovich

Symphony #4-Tchaikovsky

Symphony #5-Tchaikovsky

Symphony #8-Dvorak

Symphony #1-Mahler

Appalachian Spring-Copland

Symphony #3-Mahler

The Pine of Rome-Respighi

The Fountains of Rome-Respighi

Symphonie Fantastique-Berlioz

What else are you looking for to that we left out? Let us know in the comments. 

Mentioned in this post

LA Philharmonic on Amazon

LA Philharmonic on iTunes