Previewing the Los Angeles Philharmonic 2015-2016 Season

The Los Angeles Philharmonic 2015-2016 season starts soon. Here's a sample of some things we're looking forward to hearing

Symphony #9-Beethoven

Symphony #3-Beethoven

Symphony #5-Beethoven

Symphony #7-Beethoven

The Rite of Spring-Stravinsky

An Alpine Symphony-Strausss

Symphony #5-Shostakovich

Symphony #4-Tchaikovsky

Symphony #5-Tchaikovsky

Symphony #8-Dvorak

Symphony #1-Mahler

Appalachian Spring-Copland

Symphony #3-Mahler

The Pine of Rome-Respighi

The Fountains of Rome-Respighi

Symphonie Fantastique-Berlioz

What else are you looking for to that we left out? Let us know in the comments. 

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LA Philharmonic on Amazon

LA Philharmonic on iTunes