Film Score Friday: The Last of the Mohicans

The Last of the Mohicans
Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means, Eric Schweig, Jodhi May
Buy on Amazon

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from The Last of the Mohicans. Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman shared scoring responsibilities for this 1992 film. Jones was hired initially to score the film. One story says that he didn't finish due to creative differences and the other says it was due scheduling conflicts combined with an elongated production schedule. Despite this, it's a great score. 

To set your expectations, this score does lack in quantity of brass parts. We would love for brass to be featured more prominently and believe some opportunities were left on the table to make it even better. However, when the section is used, it makes it even more powerful. This is most evident when the score's primary theme comes to the forefront. Trumpet soaring of the rest of the orchestra really makes it great. 

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The Last of the Mohicans on Amazon

The Last of the Mohicans on iTunes