Film Score Friday: The Natural

This week on Film Score Friday we listen to the score from The Natural. Randy Newman wrote the score for this 1984 baseball film. Even if you think you've never heard this score, you probably have. Newman's score has been repurposed so many times it's astonishing. This is a great score, especially given the synthesizer craze that dominated so many movies during this time. Enjoy!


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Film Score Friday: Toy Story

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Toy Story. Randy Newman wrote for the score for this 1995 classic. As the first feature length Pixar film, this one is often most remembered for its striking visuals. What is often overlooked is the great contribution Newman made with his score. Newman really nails it by emulating the great storytelling on the screen. The film was joint effort between Disney and Pixar. Up to this point, a kids film associate with Disney with an almost entirely orchestral score was unheard of. Bucking the trend worked well and the film is better for it. 

The genius of Newman here is he manages to make the score highly programmatic without being cartoonish. He takes it from thinly score and subtle to driving, heavy, and dramatic within an instant. This is a favorite of ours. Enjoy!


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