Film Score Friday: King King (1976)

This week on Film Score Friday we listen to the score from King Kong. John Barry wrote the score for this 1976 remake. If you close your eyes during this score you might think James Bond will appear soon. There's definitely more than a little resemblance to the Bond scores Barry wrote. Despite this, Barry made a credible entry in the Kong franchise here. The low Brass section gets the most action here. As you might guess, they often serve as a musical queue for the presence of the giant gorilla. Who would have thought? Enjoy!


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Film Score Friday: Zulu

Fantastic Voyage
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Zulu. John Barry wrote the score for this 1964 film. This is film about British soldiers that Barry makes sound very British. He uses Horn and Low Brass to emphasize a stately motive that returns again and again throughout the score. This is executed in a good way. If you listen closely, you'll also hear some themes Barry would go on to mirror in his later works. Enjoy!

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Film Score Friday: Dances with Wolves

Dances With Wolves (25th Anniversary Edition)
Starring Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, Rodney A. Grant, Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman
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This week on Film Score Friday we listen to the score from Dances with Wolves. John Barry wrote the score for this 1990 film. We have to say it up front. This is a bad movie. It won lots of awards, but it's not our cup of tea. That being said, Barry's score is solid. 

While not a traditional "Cowboys and Indian" film, Barry matches the tone of a western. You'll hear lots of similarities to Copland in that vein and it's a good thing. There's plenty of opportunities for sweeping Horns. There's some great Trumpet solos. The low brass have some dynamic swells in the climax of the film as well. 



Were we right about bad movie good score? Let us know in the comments. 

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Dances with Wolves on Sheet Music Plus