Film Score Friday: Apollo 13

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Apollo 13. James Horner wrote the score for this 1995 space disaster film. Horner wrote this score during one his more prolific periods. He had several major score debut around the same time as this one. Despite this, Apollo 13 is still one of his best works. There are several times when Horner uses a brass choir feel to evoke a feeling of reverence. This goal achieved and really pairs well with the on screen mood. 

In many ways, the film pays tribute to American ingenuity and perseverance. Along with this theme, Horner places some subtle patriotic themes throughout. This is most apparent when he uses a Trumpet solo with a thinly scored orchestra. The always great Tim Morrison plays an amazing solo that evokes the emptiness and endlessness of space. Horner draws sharp contrasts with this feeling in other parts of the score with themes that evoke the claustrophobic sense of being trapped in a tiny space capsule. 

The inclusion of some period pop music meant that Horner did not create as much material as does for most of this works. The opportunities he's given are not wasted here. This is a truly wonderful score for a wonderful film. 

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