Film Score Friday: Unbreakable

Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Robin Wright Penn, Spencer Treat Clark
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Unbreakable. James Newton Howard wrote the score for this 2000 film. This score is very different from Howard's usual fare. Some of those differences are welcome and others not so much. One of these was the choice to record in a church instead of a traditional studio. This adds some depth often lacking in other film score. 

There are some other elements that are not so great. The presence of electronic drums is just plain annoying. The orchestration is also unique which is both good and bad. The lack of low brass is a disappointment. There's a number of parts given to low strings that would have been great if the low brass was given the opportunity. Despite that though, the Trumpet solos with strings and piano are really great. This one is worth a listen just because of how different it is from the composers other work. Enjoy. 


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