Film Score Friday: The Postman

The Postman
Starring Kevin Costner, Will Patton, Larenz Tate, Olivia Williams, James Russo
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from The Postman. This 1997 post-apocalyptic tale has a score from James Newton Howard. This one falls very easily into the category of solid score, awful movie. Seriously, don't watch this movie. The score, however, is worth checking out. 

The main attraction here is some of the horn solos toward the middle of the score. Howard makes some great opportunities for the the solo horn to shine in some thinly orchestrated moments. The rest of the brass gets some good opportunities, but you'll need to exercise patience to feel the effect of the most this toward the end. Enjoy!

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The Postman on Amazon

The Postman on iTunes