Film Score Friday: First Knight

First Knight
Starring Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond, Ben Cross, Liam Cunningham
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to 1995's First Knight. James Horner scored the music for this retelling of the story of Knight Arthur. This one falls under the category of middle of the road movie with a great score. 

The brass really get lots of opportunities to shine in this score. Each section really has unique times to shine as well. Trumpets have some great fanfares and lyrical passages. The horns get to soar over the top of the strings in many spots. The low brass really sets the tone of foreboding. Well done low brass and well done James Horner. 

Horner came to this project at the last minute and recorded the score in just a few days. The rushed job doesn't show at all. This is a very underrated score and worth your time to check out. Besides, brass combined with a large choir singing ominously in Latin is awesome. 

Where does First Knight rank for James Horner scores? Let us know in the comments. 

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First Knight on Amazon

First Knight on iTunes