Film Score Friday: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As if we could choose anything else on the day this score came out? If you're scared of plot spoilers, do not fear. There will be no plot spoilers in this post. 

We're comfortable saying, without hyperbole, this is one of John Williams' finest scores. It's not the best, but certainly in the top ten. 

As you know, this is the first time a Star Wars score has not been recorded by the London Symphony. Some of the members of the studio orchestra were understandably excited about the opportunity. 

Getting to be there in the trombone section was a fantasy I had really suppressed since I was in high school when the first [Star Wars] film came out!
— Alex Iles, Trombone on The Force Awakens

The scored used a 90 piece orchestra with 12 different recording sessions. We do miss the London sound, but nonetheless, it's great. The familiar themes are there, but there's plenty of new material. 

Where does this rank in your list of Star Wars score? Let us know in the comments.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Amazon

Star Wars: The Force Awakens on iTunes