Film Score Friday: Superman the Movie

This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from Superman the Movie. John Williams wrote the score for this 1978 film. Jerry Goldsmith was originally scheduled to write this score, but dropped out due to a conflict and Williams stepped in. It's hard to understand the perspective this film had to contend with in the late 70s. We all live in a world where comic book characters are in a new movie just about every month. This was a untested idea. Williams score was put together relatively late in the game. This allowed him to have some awareness around the tone the film was taking. This proved wildly successful with a great score. 

The music from this film has become an iconic score for good reason. The march and fanfare make it hard to avoid smiling. The horns have great lyrical lines during the middle of the film with the romance theme. We think you should listen to this score. 

Truth, Justice, and the American Way demand it!

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