Film Score Friday: Goldfinger

Starring Sean Connery (James Bond), Gert Fröbe (Auric Goldfinger), Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore), Shirley Eaton (Jill Masterson), Tania Mallet (Tilly Masterson)
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This week on Film Score Friday, we listen to the score from 1964's Goldfinger. John Barry wrote the score for what is considered one of the best James Bond films. Barry wrote the score for 11 different Bond films, but this is certainly one of the best. 

The score calls for four Trumpets, Five Trombones, Four Horns, and Tuba. What's great about the score the ranges of moods Barry captures. There is swing with the classic James Bond theme that has become so iconic. At other times, he goes for more of a sweeping orchestral feel more reminiscent of westerns during this 60's. 

Here's a clip of Barry conducting an excerpt of Goldfinger at an award show. 

Barry knew very little about the film and its characters before working on the music. It's hard to believe given how well his themes fit the characters and highlights of the film. It would be hard to imagine Sean Connery's swagger without the awesome accompaniment of these themes. 

I sat down at the piano and I came up with ‘Da ya na na da.’ And did it on wah-wah trumpets.
— John Barry via NPR

Is Goldfinger the best James Bond score? Let us know in the comments. 

Mentioned in this Post

Goldfinger on Amazon

Goldfinger on iTunes

Goldfinger on Sheet Music Plus

John Barry on NPR